
Management & divisions

Sustainable urban development starts with a sustainable way of working by those who take responsibility for it – by us. That is why our entire team works in modern and efficient structures. Here, you can learn more about the people who lead our different divisions.

Management and Executive Board

Christoph Schmidt, Geschäftsführer von Grün Berlin, trägt Hemd und Sakko und steht im Foyer des Ullsteinhauses, in dem das Büro von Grün Berlin ist
© Florian Reimann
General Manager

Christoph Schmidt

Management Grün Berlin GmbH
Chairman of the Board Grün Berlin Stiftung
Shareholder Grün Berlin Service GmbH, GB infraVelo GmbH, GB infraSignal GmbH
Christoph Schmidt has been managing director of Grün Berlin GmbH since 2008. Since 2013, he has been chairman of the board of the Grün Berlin Stiftung. He also represents Grün Berlin GmbH as a shareholder of Grün Berlin Service GmbH, GB infraVelo GmbH and GB infraSignal GmbH. From 2010 to 2018, he was Managing Director of IGA Berlin 2017 GmbH, and from 2017 to 2018, Chairman of the Board of GB infraVelo GmbH.

Before joining Grün Berlin GmbH, Christoph Schmidt worked as a senior project manager and division manager at HafenCity Hamburg GmbH from 2003 to 2008. Until 2002, he held various positions in Berlin as project manager and office manager.

Christoph Schmidt holds a degree in landscape architecture from the Technical University of Berlin. He is also a specialist engineer in project development and studied project management/construction management at the Bauhaus University Weimar.
Jörg Stohl, Prokurist bei Grün Berlin, trägt eine lila Krawatte, ein weißes Hemd und ein gemustertes graues Sakko
© Dominik Butzmann
Authorised Representative

Jörg Stohl

Head of Internal Services Grün Berlin GmbH
Jörg Stohl has headed the Internal Services division of Grün Berlin GmbH since October 2017. He represents Grün Berlin GmbH as authorised signatory and the Grün Berlin Stiftung as deputy board member.

Before joining Grün Berlin, Jörg Stohl was head of administration at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, senior consultant at PSI AG (where he was project manager for the introduction of the HGV toll in Germany on behalf of the Federal Office for Goods Transport, among others), IT manager and major project manager (including supply and disposal for the world exhibition) at EXPO2000 Hannover GmbH, commercial manager at GS-Bau GmbH & Co.KG and organisational programmer at Philips Kommunikations-Industrie AG.

Jörg Stohl is a trained data processing clerk and graduate in business informatics.
Sven Haberecht, Geschäftsführer Grün Berlin Service, lehnt sich an einen Pfeiler und trägt weißes Hemd, blaue Krawatte und dunkelblaues Sakko
© Dominik Butzmann

Sven Haberecht

Head of Commercial Services Grün Berlin GmbH
Managing Director Grün Berlin Service GmbH
Sven Haberecht has worked in the commercial area for Grün Berlin GmbH since 1994. He manages the finance department of the Grün Berlin companies.

Since 2010, he has been an authorised signatory of Grün Berlin Service GmbH, and since 2017 he has been its managing director. Since 2013, Sven Haberecht has been one of three special representatives of the Grün Berlin Foundation. From 2013 to 2018 he was an authorised representative of IGA Berlin 2017 GmbH, and from 2018 to 2020 liquidator.

Before joining Grün Berlin GmbH, Sven Haberecht worked in operations management at a large Berlin coffee roasting company, among other positions.

He successfully completed his studies in business administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin in 1989.
Angela Grönewald, Stabstellenleitung, trägt ein weißes Hemd und ein dunkelblaues Nadelstreifensakko
© Dominik Butzmann

Angela Grönewald

Staff Strategy and Financing Projects / Properties Grün Berlin GmbH
Angela Grönewald has been working in the field of project development and implementation at the predecessor companies of Grün Berlin GmbH since 1989. At the beginning at the Bundesgartenschau 1995 GmbH, then the successor companies and since 2011 at Grün Berlin GmbH.

From 2018 to 2020, she was Business Unit Manager for Strategy, Project and Properties for the core business of Grün Berlin GmbH, and since January 2021, Angela Grönewald has held the position of Staff Manager for Strategy and Financing.

From 2013 to 2018, she was an authorised signatory of IGA 2017 GmbH. Since 2014, Angela Grönewald has been a special representative of the Grün Berlin Stiftung. She represents infraVelo GmbH as an authorised signatory.

Before joining Grün Berlin GmbH (and its predecessor companies), Angela Grönewald worked in a planning office and in agencies.

Angela Grönewald is a graduate engineer in landscape planning and studied at the TU Berlin.
infraSignal-Geschäftsführerin Katharina Marienhagen steht in einem lachsfarbenen Sakko vor einer gefliesten Wand
© Florian Reimann

Katharina Marienhagen

Managing Director GB infraSignal GmbH
In January 2023, Katharina Marienhagen took over the management of the new Grün Berlin subsidiary GB infraSignal GmbH.

Most recently, she was Head of Traffic Engineering Region North at Siemens Mobility for six years, where she was responsible for planning and implementing traffic signal projects with traffic planners and programmers. She also worked as a traffic planner in road traffic engineering.

Katharina Marienhagen graduated from the Technical University of Dresden in 1994 with a degree in traffic systems engineering.

Katharina Marienhagen was born in Erfurt in 1969.
Michael Fugel, Geschäftsführer der infraVelo GmbH, trägt eine schwarze Brille und einen petrolfarbenen Anzug
© Birte Filmer

Michael Fugel

Managing Director GB infraSignal GmbH
Michael Fugel has been Managing Director of GB infraVelo GmbH since September 2024.

He was previously responsible for freight transport management at Deutsche Bahn AG and DB Cargo AG.

Until 2020, he held various positions at Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe for seven years, where he was responsible for infrastructure development, operations and vehicle procurement.

He studied planning and operations in transportation at the Technical University of Berlin and at the Université Paris 8.
Michael Fugel, Geschäftsführer der infraVelo GmbH, trägt eine schwarze Brille und einen petrolfarbenen Anzug
© Birte Filmer

Peggy Kandziora

Head of Finance and Controlling Grün Berlin GmbH & Commercial Director GB infraVelo GmbH
Peggy Kandziora has been Head of Finance and Controlling at Grün Berlin GmbH since August 2024. She has taken over the commercial management of GB infraVelo GmbH.

She previously worked as Managing Director at a private education provider in Berlin from 2018 to 2024. Her professional career includes various management positions in the commercial and administrative sector.

Peggy Kandziora studied economics at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and graduated as a mechanical engineer specializing in design.

Divisions and Division Managers

Anja Siebert
Anja Siebert

Head of Structural Engineering
Grün Berlin GmbH


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Torsten Reichelt
Torsten Reichelt

Head of Property Management Grün Berlin GmbH


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Kirsten Lorek
Kirsten Lorek

Head of Property Management Grün Berlin GmbH

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Irina de Cuveland
Irina de Cuveland

Head of Urban Space/Infrastructure
Grün Berlin GmbH


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Ole Hartmann
Ole Hartmann

Head of Urban Space/Infrastructure
Grün Berlin GmbH


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Gregor Lütjens
Gregor Lütjens

Head of Communication and Business Development
Grün Berlin GmbH

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Alexandra Hensel
Alexandra Hensel

Head of Communication & Participation Grün Berlin GmbH for GB infraVelo GmbH


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Henning Czujack
Henning Czujack

Head of Corporate Controlling
Grün Berlin GmbH


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Karola Köhler
Karola Köhler

Head of Event Management
Grün Berlin GmbH


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Katja Aßmann
Katja Aßmann

Head of Art Projects/Spreepark Art Space Grün Berlin GmbH


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