

Parks are important green recreational and leisure areas in the increasingly hectic hustle and bustle of the Berlin metropolis. Stressed city dwellers need space for recreation, cultural and sporting activities, older people who are young at heart are looking for health-promoting activities and families with children need places to play and run around. The importance of parks as open spaces for Berlin became even clearer during the coronavirus crisis. However, parks are not only a place for relaxation, enjoyment, inspiration and social participation for citizens: The diverse flora and fauna also need protected spaces to preserve biodiversity and strengthen climate resilience.

Grün Berlin manages and develops 800 hectares of open spaces with several million visitors per year, including the Gärten der Welt, Park am Gleisdreieck, Spreepark and Tempelhofer Feld, some of Berlin's most important parks with supra-regional appeal. As a partner of the Senate and the boroughs, we operate and develop the green open spaces in a service-orientated manner for all Berliners and with the involvement of the urban community.

Management through Grün Berlin

Gärten der Welt
Britzer Garten
Natur Park Südgelände
Tempelhofer Feld
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Park am Gleisdreieck
Alte Bahngleise führen durch waldartige, verwunschene Natur im Flaschenhalspark in Berlin
© Lichtschwärmer
Das Bild zeigt Menschen auf den Sitzgelegenheiten im Mauerpark.
© Andy Rumball

Management by districts

Ein von Bäumen gesäumter Betonweg führt durch den Park am Nordbahnhof
Park auf dem Nordbahnhof
Ein Wasserbecken mit einer Steintreppe im Invalidenpark
Ein Sandweg führt durch den Berliner Monbijoupark
Liegestühle aus Holz im Hans-Baluschek-Park
Die denkmalgeschützten Schaugewächshäuser aus Glas im Botanischen Volkspark Blankenfelde-Pankow
© Grün Berlin
Botanischer Volkspark

In preparation

Luftbild der Fläche des künftigen Landschaftsparks Gatow
© Dirk Laubner
Landscape Park Gatow
Ein Steg führt durch Natur und Sträucher im Kienbergpark in Berlin
© Konstantin Börner

Ecosystem services of urban parks

As part of the GartenLeistungen project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Grün Berlin evaluated and recorded the services of parks as ecosystems from 2019 to 2022 and generated knowledge for sustainable urban land use.

More Parks

Name Description Responsibilities Grün Berlin
Park on the Moabiter Werder and Spree riverside path Embankment promenade from the Kanzlergarten to the Moltke Bridge Project and construction management
Park on the Federal President's Triangle Public park between the Spree, the S-Bahn viaduct and Paulstrasse Project and construction management
ULAP site Transformation of the former Universum state exhibition park into a new urban landscape Projektentwicklung, Projekt- und Baumanagement