Ein Paar spaziert händchenhaltend durch den Chinesischen Garten in den Gärten der Welt
© Konstantin Börner

Gärten der Welt

International garden art meets cultural and concert highlights, games, fun and relaxation in the Gärten der Welt. Take a trip around the world, admire exotic flowers and plants from a ropeway or up close, enjoy music in the open air and unwind – the Gärten der Welt are as diverse as their visitors.

As part of the International Garden Exhibition Berlin 2017 (IGA), the Gärten der Welt have grown to 43 hectares and become even more international.

In addition to new gardens, numerous other attractions have also been created. The ropeway not only connects the districts of Marzahn and Hellersdorf, but also floats above the Gärten der Welt, giving visitors a unique view of the capital's skyline. The arena, which regularly hosts events ranging from classical to pop, can accommodate up to 5,000 visitors. The Gärten der Welt also offer special highlights for younger visitors, including a maze and several playgrounds.

Take a trip around the world on your doorstep in just one day – all this and more is possible in the Gärten der Welt.

Das Logo der Gärten der Welt zeigt den geschwungenen Schriftzug "Gärten der Welt"
© Grün Berlin

Experience Gärten der Welt

Background information on theme gardens and garden cabinets, offers for young and old, news, events and visitor information.

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