Eine Schaukel im Kienbergpark mit der Grün Berlin Seilbahn im Hintergrund
© Ole Bader


Parks & Gardens

Start a trip around the world in airy heights

The ropeway is not only the fastest way from Marzahn to Hellersdorf and back, but also offers all Berliners and guests of the city a special excursion and a spectacular journey to the park highlights in the area. In just 40 minutes, visitors can float from the main train station or Alexanderplatz with the U5 subway line directly into the greenery.

Die Grün Berlin Seilbahn schwebt hinter Girlanden und Seifenblasen durch die Gärten der Welt
© Ole Bader

Gärten der Welt

In the Gardens of the World, Berliners and guests of the city can go on a trip around the world in just one day: Admire exotic flowers and plants, discover foreign cultures, enjoy music under the open sky, romp on playgrounds or simply relax - the Gardens of the World are as diverse as their visitors.

Die Grün Berlin Seilbahn schwebt über das Wuhletal von der Station an der Hellersdorfer Straße zum Wolkenhain im Kienbergpark
© Ole Bader

Wuhletal & Kienberg

The ropeway leads over the Kienbergpark and the Wuhletal up to the Kienberg. At the intermediate station "Wolkenhain" the eponymous observation building with a panorama café awaits the passengers.