Kabinen der Grün Berlin Seilbahn über den Gärten der Welt.
© Ole Bader


Floating highlight with spectacular views

Berlin's only cable car invites all Berliners and guests of the city to a fascinating short trip in airy heights. From the subway station Kienberg (Gärten der Welt) of the U5 line, passengers float in just 5 minutes over the Kienbergpark and the Wuhletal directly to the Gärten der Welt.

The spectacular view from a height of up to 35 meters reaches as far as the center of Berlin. With an intermediate stop at Wolkenhain, the cable car travels a total length of 1.5 kilometers.

Innovative infrastructure for Berlin

In addition to providing a spectacular and fast connection between the parks and the public transport system, the cable car has also proven its worth as an everyday means of transport for local residents since its construction for the IGA Berlin 2017. For the way from Marzahn to Hellersdorf and back, there is no faster transport offer.

Like many other major cities around the world, Berlin now also has a new, sustainable means of public transport in the form of the cable car. Grün Berlin has been the municipal operator of the cable car since January 2021.

Eine Kabine der Grün Berlin Seilbahn mit dem Wolkenhain auf dem Kienbergplateau im Hintergrund.
© Ole Bader

Innovative mobility

With the ropeway, Berlin, like many other major cities around the world, has an innovative and sustainable means of transport for local residents and, at the same time, a spectacular and popular tourist attraction.
Ein Kran montiert einen Pfeiler für die Seilbahn in den Gärten der Welt.
© Dominik Butzmann

Implementation & Technology

The ropeway is an essential part of the sustainable concept of the IGA Berlin 2017. As with many other highlights (including the Arena in the Gärten der Welt), subsequent use was taken into account from the very beginning of its realization.
Eine Schaukel im Kienbergpark mit der Grün Berlin Seilbahn im Hintergrund.
© Ole Bader

Parks & Gardens

The ropeway is not only the fastest way from Marzahn to Hellersdorf and back, but also allows all Berliners and guests of the city a special excursion and a spectacular journey to the park highlights in the area.
Eine Familie mit Kinderwagen besteigt eine Kabine der Grün Berlin Seilbahn.
© Ole Bader

Service & Info

Information on the three ropeway stations, opening hours and prices will help you plan your ride on Berlin's only ropeway.

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