Das Bild zeigt eine Wiese im Mauerpark, ein Mann liegt im Vordergrund, im Hintergrund praktizieren drei Frauen Yoga, eine Frau sitzt auf der Mauer und liest ein Buch.
© Andy Rumball


Leisure & recreation

The expansion of the Mauerpark offers a variety of recreational opportunities on the areas of the former industrial park towards the Brunnenviertel and many opportunities to find some peace and quiet in the hectic everyday life of the big city.


Eine Frau radelt über einen Weg im Mauerpark.
© Andy Rumball

Flea market

The Sunday flea market is and remains an essential part of the Mauerpark. The flea market area was designed so that it can be used on weekdays as a sports and exercise area for the park's visitors.
Das Bild zeigt Kinder auf dem Spielplatz im Mauerpark, im Hintergrund ist der Fernsehturm zu sehen.
© Andy Rumball


In cooperation with children and young people from the surrounding neighbourhoods, a new 2,000 square metre playground has been created. The playground equipment is based on ideas created on paper and with various other materials during the participation process.
Das Bild zeigt drei Frauen in einem urbanen Garten im Mauerpark.
© Andy Rumball


Since 2012, residents from the surrounding neighbourhoods have come together in an intercultural community garden in the Mauergarten. In the open, communal and ecological kitchen garden, everyone can contribute with their ideas, skills and cultural backgrounds.
Das Bild zeigt drei Frauen in Yoga Pose.
© Andy Rumball

Sports & recreation

The extension of the Mauerpark offers a variety of opportunities for sports and leisure activities such as: cycling, skating, jogging, Nordic walking, table tennis, basketball.
Das Bild zeigt die Platanenallee im Mauerpark.
© Manuel Frauendorf


As envisaged in the design by Prof. Gustav Lange, a four-row avenue of plane trees runs as a central axis through the Mauerpark extension. The generous tree-lined promenade is supplemented by well-preserved existing trees, especially self-seeding tree species such as maple, birch and black locust, and runs in a north-south direction.
Eine Ansicht des Podests mit Sitzmöglichkeiten im Mauerpark.
© Andy Rumball

Allee der ungleichen Dinge und Podeste

Along the former course of the border, one now finds the avenue of unequal things, over the course of which three large pedestals with different surfaces – wood, water-bound pavement and Charlottenburg pavement slabs – connect the existing park and the extension. Thus, they not only form a bridge over the former course of the border, but also offer a place to linger and get together.
Das Bild zeigt die Apfelwiese im Mauerpark.
© Manuel Frauendorf


In the northern part of the extension area is the Apfelwiese [apple meadow]. Various fruit trees give the impression of being in a garden and form a pleasant contrast to the urban structures all around.
Das Bild zeigt die Steinmauern im Mauerpark, welche auch als Sitzmöglichkeiten dienen.
© Andy Rumball


A newly created large square as the centre of the east-west connection is the so-called Steinkreis. This measures 32 metres in diameter and has various seating areas and also a large table made of the granite that is characteristic of the Mauerpark and thus functions as a meeting place and lounge area.
Eine Detailansicht der Granit Quadrate im Mauerpark.
© Andy Rumball

Granite squares

The granite that characterises Mauerpark is also found in many places in the extension. In response to the citizens' desire for seating that promotes communication, several granite squares were created in the northern area of the extension, inviting visitors to linger.
Das Bild zeigt eine Wildblumenwiese im Mauerpark.
© Manuel Frauendorf

Relics from the past

It was always important to the designer, Prof. Gustav Lange, that Mauerpark be and remain a place where history and the present meet. This was taken into account on the one hand with the integration of relics from previous uses (for example rails, paving stones and the integration of the former station wall as the western boundary of the park).
Das Bild zeigt eine, in den Boden eingelassene, Gedenktafel zur Berliner Mauer
© Andy Rumball

Berlin Wall

In the course of the construction of the extension, the former course of the Berlin Wall was traced over the entire length of the park (293 metres) with the double row of paving stones that can also be found elsewhere in the city.
Eine Ansicht des Archäologischen Fensters, das Reste der DDR Grenzanlagen zeigt.
© Manuel Frauendorf

Historical window

As part of construction work by Berliner Wasserbetriebe, remains of the former border fortifications between East and West Berlin were found at the entrance to the Mauerpark on Eberswalder Straße in early 2018: A vehicle barrier, which was intended to prevent escape by car or truck from the former GDR, as well as the entrance to an escape tunnel. In connection with the Berlin Wall Memorial, an exhibition of the findings was conceived on the newly created forecourt between Schwedter Strasse and the entrance to the Mauersegler. The exhibition has been open to all visitors since 9 November 2020.