Visualisierung der sanierten Lokhalle im Natur Park Südgelände mit einem Holzanbau für Ateliers
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Public buildings

Lokhalle (Locomotive hall)

Alongside the water tower and the Brückenmeisterei administration building, the Lokahlle (locomotive hall) in the Natur Park Südgelände is part of the listed complex and one of the largest and most important witnesses to the area's former use as a railway site.

The 4,500 square metre industrial monument, which is almost 100 years old, will be restored in the coming years and put to a wider range of uses, thus securing its long-term future. In the interests of sustainable and climate-adapted urban development, the Lokhalle will be given a green roof covering over 4,600 square metres and an exemplary rainwater management system as part of the refurbishment. A new two-storey extension in ecological timber construction will add studio and workshop space for artists to the listed building. Visitors to the nature park will be able to use the Lokhalle in the south area as an attractive event venue with a new catering area from 2026.

Impressions of the Lokhalle (Locomotive hall)

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